UOB Plaza One

UOB Plaza One

UOB Plaza One é um dos arranha-céus mais altos do…
UOB_plaza_one1-mercator.jpgTall buildings at Boat Quay (Bank of China, UOB)Skyscrapers at Raffles PlaceBoat QuayBoat Quay#singaporeRaffles Place {CBD: Take Two}OUB Centre, Raffles Place, Singapore : Soar!Fullerton Hotel from Boat QuayApproaching dusk at Boat QuayBoat QuayFull moon on Valentine's Day and Yuan Xiao (the fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year). at OCBC CentreOCBC centreSingapore riverOUB Centre #1OUB Centre #4OUB Centre #2OUB Centre #3
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